Emergency - 24/7 | 911 |
LUPD - Open All Hours Day and Night | 409-880-7777 |
LUPD from Any Campus Phone | 7777 |
Student Health Center - M-F 8-5 | 409-880-8466 |
If you see even one PUBS sign, call an emergency line immediately. 911, LUPD (409-880-7777), or Student Health Center (409-880-8466).
If you're unsure, call Poison Control (1-800-222-1222) for free, confidential medical advice 24/7.
Save a life. Make the call.
If you suspect that someone has alcohol poisoning - even if you don't see the classic signs and symptoms - it could be an emergency. Call someone for help.
If you are with someone who has been drinking a lot of alcohol and you see any of the signs or symptoms listed on this page, here's what to do:
1. Raise the person's left arm above their head. Pull their right shoulder to roll them towards you
2. Roll them towards you, guarding their head from hitting the floor. The head should rest in front of the arm, not on it.
3. Tilt the head up to maintain airway. Tuck the nearest hand under the cheek to help keep the head tilted and raise the face off the floor.
4. Stay with them until help arrives.
DO NOT hesitate to call for help. The person's life is in danger.
DO NOT leave them alone.
DO NOT leave them lying on their back
DO NOT give them anything to eat or drink
Jayna Bonnette, BS
Health Education ذكذكتسئµ Coordinator
Email | 409-880-8466
On campus: (409) 880-7777
or use emergency phones (poles with blue lights)
Off campus: 911
Phone: (409) 880-8466
Fax: (409) 880-7703
Email: shc@lamar.edu
4465 Jimmy Simmons Blvd.
Beaumont, TX 77705
Inside the Sheila Umphrey Recreational Sports Center