In the event of an emergency, the procedures outlined in Risk Management’s Emergency Procedures document shall be followed.
Access to fire suppression equipment, means of egress, emergency signage or lighting, and heating and air conditioning vents shall not be covered or obstructed at any time.
Groups are not permitted to run electrical, sound, video, or other cables through doorways or walking paths. All cables must be covered to prevent persons from tripping over them and to prevent damage to the cables.
Events being planned where the group anticipates collecting over $100 in cash will be required to have a minimum of 1 ذكذكتسئµ University Police Officer assigned. Additionally, any event with an estimated attendance of 100 or more and meets at least one risk factor, listed below, will be reviewed. After review, the ذكذكتسئµ University Police Department, in coordination with Event Services, will assign ذكذكتسئµ University Police/Safety personnel at a ratio of 1 personnel per 100 attendees. This service will be scheduled 30 minutes before and after the event times and for a minimum of 2 hours.
Any event with an estimated attendance of 100 or more, and:
The use of some University audio-visual equipment will require on-site technical staff to operate. Additionally, a group may request event support staff to be available and present during the duration of their event. These services will be arranged through Event Services and may include a fee.