
Hispanic Heritage Month Spotlight: April Loya-Boggs

Hispanic Heritage Month is an international celebration held from Sept. 15-Oct. 15. This month, we’ve asked faculty, staff and students to share what their Hispanic heritage means to them, as well as how the culture has shaped who they are and how others can learn from their experience.
In this Q&A, Hispanic mentor and instructor of social work April Loya-Boggs shares her background, culture and what Hispanic Heritage Month means to her and her family.

Q: What does Hispanic Heritage Month mean to you?
A: My Hispanic Heritage is very important to me. My grandparents and parents' determination to live in the U.S. and make a better life for our family has taught me so much about values and the importance of family. April Loya-Boggs

Q: How has this culture shaped who you are today?
A: I've learned to appreciate hard work to achieve my goals and to persevere no matter how difficult things can seem. 

Q: What is something that you wished others knew about Hispanic Heritage Month?
A: I would like everyone to know that Hispanic Heritage month celebrates all Latin cultures, we love dancing, food, music, but most of all family. 

Q: What advice (both personal and professional) would you give to young Hispanic/Latino students?
A: I would encourage students to embrace their culture and be proud of who they are and carry themselves with PRIDE. When entering into the professional world, embracing who you are can show others that staying true to yourself is important. 

Q: What are some cultural traditions that you hold close to your heart?
A: My favorite memories are when I would spend time with my grandma Celia, drinking coffee eating pan dulce and listening to her tell me stories of all the places she traveled to when migrating and working in the fields. These stories I carry with me always, they give me the strength to continue to strive and be better and carry the legacy that my grandma Celia left us. 

Q: What are you most proud of when it comes to your Hispanic heritage?
A: I am so proud to be Hispanic and hope that I can continue to carry on the customs, traditions and culture to those around me.