
Recital Performance Requirements

Bachelor of Music in Music Education

Each major will perform a senior recital 30 minutes in length. The recital may be performed jointly with another student and will take place during the senior year. The recital can be scheduled during the regular recital period or as an afternoon recital. The student must be enrolled in applied music during the semester in which the recital is to be performed.

Bachelor of Music in Performance

  1. Upon completion of four semesters of lower-level applied music, the student must pass a performance jury to be eligible to advance to upper-level (3400 series) applied music courses;
  2. During the second semester of upper-level instruction, the performance major must play a junior audition recital. This recital must be 30 minutes in length and may be given jointly with another student; however, each performer must complete his or her portion of the recital in succession. The recital can be given during the regularly scheduled recital period or as an afternoon recital. A satisfactory junior audition recital is a prerequisite for proceeding to a senior performance recital;
  3. During the fourth semester of upper-level study, a senior performance recital will be given. This recital must be 60 minutes in length and may be scheduled during the regular recital time, at the afternoon recital time, or at an approved evening time.

Bachelor of Music in Composition

Junior Year

Public presentation of at least one original composition for any medium. Minimum length: 5 minutes. The student is responsible for recruiting and rehearsing the performer(s).

Senior Year

Presentation of a recital of original compositions. Generally, the requirement is for at least four compositions, for differing media, although if one or more compositions are unusually long, exceptions will be made.

Minimum Length

25 minutes of music (excluding time between movements, set-up time between pieces, etc.) The student is responsible for recruiting and rehearsing the performers, as well as coordinating the performance. Part of the grade for the recital will depend on the success of these efforts.