
Latoya Dixon

Doctoral student
Email: ldixon11@lamar.edu


  • DC/MD/VA 
  • Currently resides outside of Austin, Texas  

Current Employment

  • Accessibility Resource Specialist, National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes 


  • M.A. in Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling, University of Texas at Austin, 2013
  • B.A. in Early Childhood Education, Gallaudet University, 2008
  • B.A. in Spanish, Gallaudet University, 2008

Research Interests

  • Deafness/Disabilities & Accessibility
  • Equity, diversity, inclusion, intersectional, advocacy, and social justice
  • Policy change/ADA

Recent Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • N/A

Recent Non-Peer Reviewed Publications

  • N/A

Recent Presentations

  • Dixon, L. K. & Ballentine, P. M. (2023, March). Beliefs and attitudes about deaf interpreters. DSDE Mini Research Conference, Beaumont, Texas.  

Dissertation Area

  • ADA: The underlying disparities within the deaf community 
  • Lack of accessibility and the impact on Deaf populations 

Latoya Dixon