
University Information Technology Steering Committee

Charge: The University Information Technology Committee shall serve as the umbrella organization for information technology issues, purchase protocols, and policies on campus, and shall report to the president. Membership shall include the chair of the Academic Information Technology Committee, the provost, the vice president for finance and operations, the vice president for information technology, the acting associate provost, the vice president for student engagement, the vice president for advancement, the director of web communications, and a representative from the Faculty Senate and the Student Government Association. The provost and vice president for finance and operations shall co-chair the committee.

Membership & Reporting: appointment of members & chair by President; charge to Committee given by President; recommendations from Committee presented to President.

Committee Members

TBD, Chair EX Officio
Mark Robinson (Chief Financial Officer) Ex Officio
Patrick Stewart (Chief Information Officer) Ex Officio
Brett Welch (Acting Provost; VP Digital Learning Dean, Graduate Studies) Ex Officio
Samuel Jator (Sr. Associate Provost) Ex Officio
Rene Latiolais (Director of Marketing) Ex Officio
Phil Cole (CID) Ex Officio
Cheng-Hsien Lin (Faculty Senate) Ex Officio
Jerry Lin (Associate Provost, ORSP) Ex Officio
Freddie Titus (VP, Student Affairs & Strategic Initiatives) Ex Officio
Charla Pate (Director, Web Communication) Ex Officio
Juan Zabala (VP, Advancement) Ex Officio
Sujing Wang (Chair, Academic IT Committee) Ex Officio
Jacob Smith (SGA Appointee) FALL 2023-SPR 2024