
April 15, 2024

Monday, 04/15/2024
Reaud 202
Submitted By:
submitted by Shelly Traxler

University Undergraduate Curriculum Council  
Meeting Agenda   - Formal minutes not available at this time
Date:  Monday, April 15, 2024  
Time:  3:30 p.m.  
Place: Reaud 202 
Call to Order 
Approval of 3-18-2024 minutes  
New business  

Order of curriculum to be reviewed. 

College of Arts and Sciences 
4. CPSC 2350 Add – degree plan received - approved
5. CPSC 4364 Add – degree plan received - approved

College of Business  - all approved
1. Certificate in Banking and Credit Analysis
a. FINC 4340 Add
b. FINC 3330 Add – this was passed in February’s UUCC meeting

College of Education & Human Development – all plans below tabled until May 
1. B.S. in Education EC-6 Core Subjects Certification Plan 
2. B.S. in Education 4-8 Composite Science Certification 
3. B.S. in Education 4-8 ELAR Certification Degree Plan 
4. B.S. in Education 4-8 Math Certification Degree Plan 
5. B.S. in Education 4-8 Social Studies Certification Plan  
6. B.S. in Education 4-8 Core Subjects Certification Degree Plan 
7. B.S. in Education 4-8 Math/Science Certification  

College of Fine Arts & Communication 
1. B.S. in Theatre and Dance – Acting Emphasis - All approved
1. THEA 1320 - Change
2. THEA 1340 - Add
3. THEA 2111 – Change
4. THEA 2351 - Change
5. THEA 4210 - Change
6. THEA 4211 - Change
7. THEA 4351 – Change
8. THEA 4373 – Change

1. B.S. in Theatre and Dance – Dance Emphasis –All approved
1. DANC 1270 - Add
2. DANC  1320 – Add  
3. DANC 2303 – Add
4. DANC 3360 – Add
5. DANC 4302 – Add
6. DANC 4320 - Add

7. DANC 1228 - Change
8. DANC 2243 – Change
9. DANC  2241 – Change  
10. DANC  2245 – Change 
11. DANC  2247 – Change  
12. DANC  2249 – Change  
13. DANC  3241 – Change  
14. DANC  3243 – Change  
15. DANC  3245 – Change  
16. DANC  3247 – Change 
17. DANC 3310 – Change
18. DANC 4241 – Change  
19. DANC 4243 – Change
20. DANC  4245 – Change  
21. DANC  4247 – Change  
22. DANC  4249 – Change  
23. DANC 4360 – Change
24. DANC  2304 – Delete  

1. B.S. in Theatre and Dance – Design & Tech Emphasis – All Approved
1. THEA 3350 - Add
2. THEA 3371- Add
3. THEA 3380 - Change

1. Minor in Music – Proposal - Approved

Need Correct Degree plans will email when members once received.
1. BA – American Sign Language ASL (G)
2. BA – American Sign Language ASLC
3. BA – American Sign Language ASLI

All items below tabled until new plans above received
1. DSDE   1361 – Add  - Withdrawn by the department.
2. DSDE   1375 – Delete  
3. DSDE   1376 – Delete   
4. DSDE   3314 – Change  
5. DSDE   3328 – Add  
1. DSDE   3330 – Add   
2. DSDE   4320 – Add  
3. DSDE   4620 – Delete