
October 17, 2022

Monday, 10/17/2022
Reaud 202
Submitted By:
Connie Ruiz

University Undergraduate Curriculum Council Meeting   

Date: October 17, 2022  

Time: 3:30 p.m.  

Place: Reaud 202 

UUCC Minutes 10-17-2022  

Attending: Jimmy Bryan – Arts & Sciences, Daniel Chilek – CID, Penny Clark – Library, John Gossage – Engineering, Garrick Harden – Arts & Sciences, Ashwini Kucknoor – Arts & Sciences, Jane Liu – Faculty Senate, Adam Nemmers – Arts & Sciences, Qin Qian – Engineering, Connie Ruiz – Education & Human Development, O’Brien Stanley – Fine Arts & Communication, 

Ricardo Tovar-Silos – Business, Sujing Wang – Arts & Sciences 

Absent: LeAnn Chisholm—Arts & Sciences, Tim Dueppen – Fine Arts & Communication,   

Ex-Officio Attending: Theresa Hefner-Babb—SACSCOC Liaison, James Nelson—Arts and Sciences CC Chair, David Short – Registrar, Venki Uddameri – Engineering CC Chair  

Ex-Officio Absent: Victor Davila, Student Retention/Recruitment, Kayla Holloway—UAC, Bryan Proksch – Fine Arts & Communication CC Chair, Julia Yoo – Education & Human Development 

Executive Associate Academic Affairs: Aida Tucker   

Guests: None 

 Presiding: Garrick Harden    

Call to Order: 3:30    

Approval of Minutes: O’Brien moved the minutes of the September 23, 2022 be approved, Penny seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.   

Curriculum Reviewed: 

Business Analytics Certificate - Modification 

The proposed change to the existing certificate program is to increase the student credit hours from 15 to 18. BUAL 3330 is to be added as a choice within the 18 hours. A course change is proposed for BUAL 3330 including a change in course description and elimination of prerequisites.  

Motion to approve was made by Dan, seconded by Adam. The motion passed.   

B.S. in Hospitality Administration and B.S. in Nutrition - Degree plan changes  

David Short explained additional steps need to be taken prior to the UUCC considering the degree plan changes (deleting prerequisites on several courses). He said the Department is aware of it and will resubmit the changes for the November meeting. Thus, consideration of the items was tabled. 

B.S. in Fashion Merchandising – Teach-out plan 

The program has been discontinued. A proposal is submitted to fulfill the graduation plans of students remaining in the program. 

Motion to approve was made by Dan, seconded by Ashwini. The motion passed with John Gossage abstaining. 

Deletion of HOSP courses 

HOSP 3313, HOSP 3317, HOSP 3318, HOSP 3377 will be deleted in conjunction with pending changes to the degree plan. 

Motion to approve was made by O’Brien, seconded by Adam. The motion passed.   

HOSP 3376 - Course change 

Course change proposed in conjunction with pending changes to the degree plan. 

Motion to approve was made by Sujing, seconded by Ricardo. The motion passed pending correction of typographical and other minor errors on course form. 

HOSP 4306 - Course change 

Course change proposed in conjunction with pending changes to the degree plan. 

Motion to approve was made by Jimmy, seconded by Sujing. The motion passed pending correction of typographical and other minor errors on course form. 

HOSP 4322 - Course change 

Course change proposed in conjunction with pending changes to the degree plan. 

Motion to approve was made by Jimmy, seconded by O’Brien. The motion passed pending correction of typographical and other minor errors on course form. 

NUTR 2301 - Course addition 

Course addition proposed in conjunction with pending changes to the degree plan. 

Motion to approve was made by John, seconded by Sujing. The motion passed pending correction of typographical and other minor errors on course form. 

NUTR 4100 - Course addition 

Course addition proposed in conjunction with pending changes to the degree plan. 

Motion to approve was made by Jimmy, seconded by Ashwini. The motion passed pending correction of typographical and other minor errors on course form. 

NUTR 4331 - Course change 

Course change proposed in conjunction with pending changes to the degree plan. 

Motion to approve was made by Jimmy, seconded by Penny. The motion passed pending correction of typographical and other minor errors on course form. 

MEEN 4326 - Course change 

Course changed to add prerequisites. 

Motion to approve was made and seconded by inaudible members. The motion passed.  

MEEN 4310 - Course change 

Course description changed to better reflect current course content. 

Motion to approve was made by Sujing, seconded by Qin. The motion passed. 

MEEN 4316 - Course change 

Course description changed to better reflect current course content. 

Motion to approve was made by Jimmy, seconded by John. The motion passed. 

Old Business – Elect Chair and Secretary 

Chair – Garrick Harden 

Secretary – Connie Swenson Ruiz 

Approved by consensus. 

Next Meeting: November 21, 2022 

Reminder about new Course Inventory Forms 

Will appear online under “Academic Affairs” in the coming weeks. 

Motion to adjourn was made by Sujing seconded by Jimmy. 

Meeting adjourned.   

Respectfully submitted, 

Connie Swenson Ruiz, Committee Secretary