
October 21, 2019

Monday, 10/21/2019
Reaud 202
Submitted By:
Ashwini Kucknoor

Attending: Michael Saar, Library Services; James Armacost,Garrick Harden, Ashwini Kucknoor, Randy Yoder, Arts and Sciences,  Barbara Hernandez, Mamta Singh, Education and Human Development;  Alberto Marquez, Qin Qian, Engineering, Millicent Musyoka, Zanthia Smith,Fine Arts and Communication

Katey McCall, SGA

 Via Proxy: Judy Smith, Sara Hillin Arts & Sciences; 

Absent: Tracy Benson, Engineering, Paul Hemenway, Faculty Senate Rep,

Ex-Officio: Joe Nordgren, Acting Associate Provost; Liv Haselbech, Engineering; Craig Escamilla, Acting Exec Dir Student Achievement & Retention; Theresa Hefner-Babb, Exec. Dir. OPA;Kayla Holloway, UAC, James Nelson, A&S CC Chair,

Ex-Officio Absent: David Short, Registrar, Toni Mulvaney, Business CC Chair, Belinda Lopez, Ed and Human Dev CC Chair, Lic Haselbach, Engineering CC Chair, Kurt Dyrhaug, Fine Arts and Comm, CC Chair

Executive Associate Academic Affairs: Aida Lasher

Guests: Daniel Chilek, Health and Kinesiology


Presiding: Michael Saar


Call to Order: 3:32 pm


Michael Saar opened the meeting by talking about the emails with all the files circulated, and asked for a motion to approve the minutes from last meeting.


Approval of Minutes: 8-19-19

  • Barbara Hernandez motioned to approve the minutes without any changes, and Garrick seconded. Motion passed unanimously.


  • B.A. Public Health in Healthcare Admin

Dan Chilek explained the details of the program, mentioned that there was a Community Health course before, but with the proposed program, it would line up well with the Masters in Public Health program. Saar explained the details of all the proposed changes, and motioned for approval with changes.

                    Motion – Approve with Changes - Change 2SCH elective to 1SCH elective to get to 120                          Credits. Proposed by Saar; Hernandez seconded the motion. Following minor discussion, the motion was approved with changes.



  • Courses Related to B.A. Public Health in Healthcare Admin


Motion - Approve:  

The addition of course HLTH 4315; Changes to courses HLTH 3370; HLTH 3378; HLTH 4342; HLTH 4370 


The motion to approve was proposed by Saar. Mamta Singh seconded the motion. There was no further discussion, and the motion was approved.


Motion - Approve with Changes:

            The addition of courses:

HLTH 3363 - Clarification of testing practice and discussions

HLTH 3380 - Clarification of testing practice

The change to courses:

HLTH 1373 - Language reflects online course

HLTH 3360 - Clarify evaluation methods

HLTH 4340 - Instructor name and phone number needs to be added on syllabus

HLTH 4372 - Course syllabus needs to remove pre-reqs and textbook requires ISBNs

HLTH 4380 - Clarify evaluation information

HLTH 4660 - Adjust SCH; Provide ISBNs; Correct evaluation information.

Motion – to Approve with changes was proposed by Saar. Mamta Singh seconded the   motion. Dan Chilek explained the need for these changes, mainly to have their program aligned with programs nationwide, and also to make it more marketable. There was no further discussion, and the motion was approved.


  • B.S. in Phys Ed Teacher Ed

Dan Chilek explained that the current program was for teachers. However certain program doesn't need teacher certification per se. So new courses were added for students going into careers in sports program outside of public schools such as coaching in private clubs etc.

                    The motion to approve was proposed by Saar; Hernandez seconded the motion. Following minor discussion, the motion was approved.


  • Courses Related to B.S. in Phys Ed Teacher Ed


Motion - Approve:  

Changes to courses KINT 2377; KINT 2378; KINT 3350; KINT 3360; KINT 3390; KINT 4380

Motion to Approve by Saar and seconded by McCall. Motion approved unanimously.


Motion - Approve with Changes:

The Addition of courses:

KINT 4312 - Adjust pre-reqs on syllabus; clarify evaluation points

KINT 4340 - Provide brief description of major assignments/exams

KINT 4341 - Provide Brief description of major assignments/exams; Provide course subject outline

The changes to courses:

KINT 1301 - Adjust point totals

KINT 2377 - Provide Brief description of major assignments/exams

KINT 2378-  no notes

KINT-3320 - Provide Brief description of major assignments/exams

KINT 3350 - Correct pre-reqs on syllabus

KINT 3360- no notes

KINT 3371-provide brief description of major assignments/exams including frequency

KINT 4310- pre-reqs on form and syllabus don’t match

Motion to Approve with Changes by Saar, Millicent seconded the motion. Mamta Singh had a question about methods and activities, Dan Chilek explained about methods, and clarified the question about commonalities of evaluation methods. The motion was unanimously approved.



  1. Minors related to B.S. in Physical Education Teacher Education:

Minor in Coaching; Minor in Kinesiology

Saar  motioned to Approve, Millicent seconded the motion. All voted in favor, and the motion passed.


  • B.S. in Exercise Science

Dan Chilek explained about updating exercise science, order of classes being streamlined so that it would be applicable to pre-professional courses for PT, pre-Med etc, and to allow students to be more competitive.

Saar motioned to approve, McCall seconded, and motion was unanimously approved.


  • Courses Related to B.S. in Exercise Science

Motion - Approve:  

The Addition of Courses:

KINT 3318; KINT 3324; KINT 4318;

The deletion of courses:

KINT 3356; KINT 4342

The motion was proposed by Saar, seconded by Hernandez and there was no discussions. The motion was approved unanimously.


Motion – Approve with Changes:  

KINT 2371 - Correct pre-reqs on syllabus; Provide ISBN for textbook; Provide contact information and office hours; Provide grade percentages and items used for evaluation; Provide Brief description of major assignments/exams

KINT 3130 - Correct pre-reqs on syllabus; Provide Brief description of major assignments/exams

KINT 3315 - Correct pre-reqs on syllabus

KINT 3330 - Correct pre-reqs on syllabus

KINT 3342 - Correct pre-reqs on syllabus

KINT 3380 - Correct pre-reqs on syllabus; Provide Brief description of major assignments/exams

KINT 4323 - Correct pre-reqs on syllabus; correct course description on syllabus

KINT 4350 - Correct pre-reqs on syllabus; provide ISBN

KINT 4355 - Provide ISBN; provide brief description of major assignments/exams; provide schedule

KINT 4360 - Fix SCH on form;  correct pre-reqs on syllabus;

Saar proposed the motion to Approve with Changes to courses. Millicent seconded the     motion. There was no further discussion and the motion passed unanimously.


Closing Remarks: Michael Saar suggested to form sub-committee to enable faster, and timely oversight on submitted proposals, especially when there are large volumes of new proposals presented to the committee. Also reminded that the proposals need to be submitted at least a week in advance so that the members can review it.

Adjourn: Motion to Adjourn at 3.55 pm by Garrick; Seconded by Mamta Singh and was unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted:

Ashwini Kucknoor, Biology