
April 15, 2019

Monday, 04/15/2019
Reaud 202
Submitted By:
Judy Smith

Committee Minutes 4-15-19
Wayne A. Reaud Building Room 202                   

Attending: Michael Saar, Library Services; Judy Smith, Nursing; Janes Armacost, Biology; Garrick Harden,  Faculty Senate Representative; Mamta Singh, Education and Human Development; Millicent Musyoka, Fine Arts and Communications; John McCollough, Business:  Liv Hasselbach, Engineering;
Via Proxy: Qin Qian, Engineering; Serdar Ilban, Fine Arts and Communications; Garrick Hardin, Faculty Senate Representative;
Absent: Stefan Andrei, CID representative; Alberto Marquez, Engineering; Barbara Hernandez, Kinesiology; Ken Aung, Engineering; Larry Osborne, College of Arts & Sciences; Zanthia Smith, DSDE; Alberto Marquez, Engineering; Kami Makki, Arts and Sciences rep; Edward Doan, SGA representative
Ex-Officio: Joe Nordgren, Acting Associate Provost; Edward Doan, SGA representative; Theresa Hefner-Babb, Exec. Dir. OPA; Aida Lasher, Temporary Academic Affairs Associate, Craig Escamilla, Acting Exec Dir Student Achievement & Retention
Ex-Officio Absent: David Short, Registrar;
Guests: Thomas Ho; Stanley O’Brien

Presiding: Michael Saar

Call to Order: 3:45 pm

Approval of Minutes: 3-18-19     
  • Motion made to approve minutes with minor additions to the attendance list: Millicent; Seconded by Alberto.  Minutes approved as revisions.
CHEN 4310 Chemical Engineering Laboratory
  • Pre-requisites changed to include CHEN 331, 3320, 4320 and 4420
  • Judy made a motion to approve the changes; Millicent seconded the motion; motion was unanimously approved.
CHEN 4331 Chemical Engineering Process Control I
  • CHEN 4420 is being replaced by CHEN 4320 without a lab section and can be taken as a co-requisite to CHEN 4420.
  • Judy made a motion to approve the changes, Liv seconded the motion; approved unanimously.
CHEN 4331 Process Control I
  • For the 2019 degree plan the pre-requisite of CHEN 4420 is being replaced with CHEN 4320 which is the same course but without a laboratory component. CHEN 4320 is also going to be accepted as a co-requisite wherever CHEN 4420 is required.
  • Judy made a motion to approve the change as written; Liv seconded; unanimously approved.

CHEN 4350 Advanced Analysis

  • Pre-requisite changed from CHEN 4420 to 4320.
  • Liv motioned to approve the change as written; Millicent seconded: unanimously approved.

CHEN 4360 Plant Design I

  • In the 2019-degree plan ELEN 2310/3310 have been eliminated as pre-requisites and CHEN 4420 has been replaced with CHEN 4320 (Same course but without a laboratory component). CHEN 4320 is accepted as a pre-requisite/co-requisite where CHEN 4420 has previously been required.
  • Millicent made the motion to approve as written; John seconded; unanimously approved
B.S. Chemical Engineering Degree Plan
  • Second Year fall term Eliminating CVEN/MEEN 2301 and replace with MATH 2415 Calculus III which increases semester hours from 17 to 18 hours.
  • Second Year spring term eliminate ELEN 3310 Fundamental of Electrical Engineering and replace it with HIST (two courses 1301 and 1302 are required for the degree plan- course was moved from the spring semester of the fourth year) Semester hours remain at 17.
  • Third year fall term replace CHEN/MEEN 3311 Momentum transfer with only CHEN 3311 Momentum transfer) Remove MEEN 3311 from the co-requisite list. Semester hours remain at 16.
  • Third year spring term eliminate CHEN 4312 Physical Chemistry II and replace with Technical Elective I (new). Semester hours remain at 17.
  • Fourth year Fall Semester hours reduced from 17 to 16. Replace CHEN 4420 Mass Transfer with CHEN 4320 (eliminated laboratory component). Eliminate CHEM Elective and was replaced with Technical Elective.
  • Fourth year-Spring hours remain at 16. History 1302 moved to spring semester of the second year and added Technical Elective III.
  • Change first note at end of degree plan from must be approved by department chair to say must be approved by department chair. At least one elective must be an engineering course Technical Elective I, II, and III
  • Eighth note item regarding a programming course being needed was eliminated.
  • Summary of the proposed changes to the degree plan:
    • Remove CVEN/MSSN 2301, ELEN 3310, CHEM 4312 and CHEM elective that are not required in other ChE programs to allow for more credits in topics that reflect current industry needs.
    • Add a mathematics MATH 2415 which is included in most other ChE programs that is strongly recommended by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers to enhance math skills.
    • Removed MEEN 3311 as co-requisite for CHEN 3311 so students can focus more on the chemical engineering applications.
    • Added three technical Electives to better prepare students to meet the challenges and needs of the modern chemical industry.
    • Removed the lab section of CHEN 4420. Total degree plan hours remain at 129.
    • Note # 8 removed to eliminate concern for students who had not taken a programming course before.
  • Liv made a motion to approve the degree plan changes; Judy seconded; approve unanimously.
SPHS 4336 Clinical Processes
  • Removed SPHS 4330 as a pre-requisite; new pre-requisites are SPHS 2370 and 3310 to be in compliance with changes made to the current approved degree plan.
  • Need to clarify max repeat hours on all syllabi.
  • Millicent made a motion to approve pending max repeat hours clarification; Mamta seconded; approved unanimously.
B.S. SPHS Degree Plan
  • Deleted SPHS 4330 as a pre-requisite for other SPHS courses.
  • Was revised to address changes in requirements mandated by accreditation agencies
  • Revision reflects additions of new undergraduate course taught by new faculty
  • Addresses the need to offer courses for freshman and sophomore students to improve enrollment and retention.
  • Judy made a motion to approve the changes: Mamta seconded; unanimously approved.
DSDE 3326-01 Strong Language or Classification of Structure
  • Have two courses with the same number with two different course descriptions.
  • On the study abroad Interpreting and Tourism course it says the students will be going to Barcelona but later mentions Paris which needs to be clarified.
  • Strong Language course is it a study abroad course?
  • In the syllabus for Strong Language it is marked as being DSDE 4350 which is a special topics course which is different from the numbering on the face sheet.
  • Self-evaluation is missing point values for final grade.
  • Pre-requisites need to be checked.
  • Need to clarify max repeat hours
  • Judy made a motion to return the syllabi to the Department for further clarification and revision of duplicate course numbering; Millicent seconded; unanimously approved.
ELEN 3328 Quantum Mechanics for EE’s
  • Course addition that has previously been taught as a special topics course
  • Should ELEN 3328 be a pre-requisite or co-requisite of 2411
  • Should PHYS 2426 be a pre-requisite?
  • No course description or pre-requisites on the syllabus
  • Alberto made a motion to return the syllabus to the department: James seconded; unanimously approved.
COMM 4382 Directors and Theorists
  • Students may take the course only twice
  • Has multiple Directors listed as topics of interest
  • Missing a correct grading scale to match the course requirements
  • Millicent made a motion to approve with corrections and grade modifications; Mamta seconded; unanimously approved.
DSDE 4378 Interpreting II
  • Minimum grade for pre-requisites corrected to be a C.
  • More pre-requisites were listed on the syllabus than on the facesheet
  • On the assignment reading reflections was listed on the grading grid as being worth 75 points but in the narrative description of the assignment, it says it is worth 50 points-need clarification.
  • Judy motioned to approve with the requested corrections and clarification; Millicent seconded; approved unanimously.

Next meeting will be held Monday May 13, 2019 at 3:30 pm in Room 202 of the Reaud Building.
  • Motion to Adjourn at 4:38 pm by Millicent; Seconded by Mamta and was unanimously approved.
Respectfully submitted:

Dr. Judy Smith, Secretary University Undergraduate Committee.