
February 5, 2024

Monday, 02/05/2024
Science and Technology Building room 275
Submitted By:
C. Legendre

Research Council Meeting Minutes
February 5, 2024, at 1:00 PM
In-Person Meeting

Attendees: Agim Kukeli, Mamta Singh, Matthew Hoch, Amy Smith, Alyse Jordan, and Jerry Lin

Not in attendance: Kurt Dyrhaug and Maryam Hamidi

Meeting called to order at 1:03 PM, by Jerry Lin

  1. Review and approval of December 2023 meeting minutes

    a. Moved for first motion by Agim Kukeli

    b. Moved for second motion by Mamta Singh

  2. FY23 Annual Report for External Grants and Peer-reviewed Publications

    a. Awarded revenue comparison of external grant performance available from FY19-FY23

    b. FY23 external grant revenue is $7.4M.

    c. Currently there are 65 active grants at a funding level of $21M.

  3. Update from ORSPA

    a. Additional staff members had been employed to provide post-award services.

    b. A current open position (program development and outreach specialist) will be filled in the coming weeks to expand the project development and address grant writing needs. both positions

    c. IDC rate has been approved by US-DHHS. The rate has been increased from 32.6% of Total Modified Direct Cost (TMDC) to 35% of TMDC.

    d. The Banner’s grant management module is currently being implemented. The IDC accounting will be automated. Associated with the changes of IDC rate and the automated process, the IDC distribution procedures will be revised. This will be discussed in March 2024 meeting.

  4. Approval on Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment Policy for research compliance

    a. Approved to protect and move the Conflict of Interest for research.

    b. Approved to protect the Conflict of Commitment Policy for research.

    c. Moved for first motion by Matthew Hoch

    d. Moved for second motion by Mamta Singh

  5. Internal grant policy discussion

    a. The Research Council is tasked to draft an internal grant administration policy. Discussion will be initiated in March 2024 meeting.

  6. Roundtable

    a. AI first official committee meeting will be in two weeks from today. This meeting will be composed of 10 people which will discuss the AI resource tools in three areas:

          i. Course instruction

         ii. Research

        iii. Interacting AI tools

    b. The research council members are asked to provide questions or concerns of using AI tools for special committee’s consideration.

Next meeting is March 4, 2024, at 1:00 PM

Meeting adjourned at 2:12 PM, by Jerry Lin