
December 4, 2023

Monday, 12/04/2023
Science and Technology Building room 275
Submitted By:
C Legendre

Research Council Meeting Minutes
December 4, 2023, at 1 :00 PM
In-Person Meting
Attendees: Mamta Singh, AgimKukeli, Matthew Hoch, Alyse Jordan, and Jerry Lin
Not in attendance: Amy Smith, Kurt Dyrhaug, and MaryamHamidi

Meeting called to order at 1 :05 PM, by Jerry Lin
I. Review and approval of November 2023 meeting minutes

a. Moved for first motion by Matthew Hoch
b. Moved for second motion by Alyse Jordan

II. Review, revision, and approval on

a. Conflict of commitment policy
b. Financial conflict of interest policy
c. Decision to be made Spring 2024

III. Responsible Research Conduct Policy. Based on council's deliberation, the priority areas of policy formulation include:

a. Authorship
b. Collaborative Research
c. Data Management and Use of Artificial Intelligence
d. Plagiarism
e. Research Involving Human Subjects
f. Using Animal Subjects in Research
g. Research Misconduct

IV. Roundtable

a. Spring 2024 RC meeting begins February 2024
b. Development of an internal grant policy in Spring 2024
c. The need on forming policy/guidance on the use of Artificial Intelligence tools in research
Next meeting is February 5, 2023, at 1:00 PM
Meeting adjourned at 2:05 PM, by Jerry Lin