
Parking Advisory Committee

Charge: The Parking Advisory Committee shall advise the Chief of Operations on issues pertaining to campus parking and transportation services. Membership shall consist of at least one faculty member, two student members, and two staff members. Members and the chair shall be appointed by the Chief of Operations.

Membership & Reporting: members & chair appointed by Chief of Operations; charge to Committee given by Chief of Operations; recommendations from Committee presented to Chief of Operations.

Committee Members

Hector Flores (Deputy Director of Operations/Chief of Police), Chair Ex Officio
Mark Broome (Faculty) FALL 2022-SUM 2025
Diann Brodnax (President Staff council) FALL 2022-SUM 2025
Katherine Miller (Staff) FALL 2022-SUM 2025
Seth Douget (Staff) FALL 2022-SUM 2025
Kent O'Quinn (Rep. Staff Council) FALL 2022-SUM 2025
Ray Buckingham (Staff) FALL 2022-SUM 2025
Megan Do (SGA) FALL 2023-SUM 2024
Ogor Nwaobi (SGA) FALL 2023-SUM 2024