
May 15, 2019

Wednesday, 05/15/2019
Reaud 202
Submitted By:
Liv Haselbach

Minutes for CID Agenda May 15, 2019. Reaud 202 3:30 pm
Please put the tentative fall meeting dates on your calendar. Outlook invites will be sent out in August when membership is updated.

Attendees: Provost Marquart, Brenda Nichols, Craig Ness, Dean Terrebonne, Jim Sanderson, Mark Mengerink, Jeremy Alm, James Slaydon, Kakoli Bandyopadhyay, Dan Chilek, T.C. Ho, Liv Haselbach, Brian Craig, Hsing-Wei Chu, Donna Meeks, Brian Shook (Mike Diamond and Mark Robison via internet Item 2)

1. Presentation by Provost Marquart, Craig Ness and Brenda Nichols to discuss LU financing/budget and college score cards.

- The Provost showed the spreadsheet that colleges will need to complete in the future to gather information on successes etc. This information is being required by the TSUS and THECB. Enrollment remains one of the biggest issues.
- Mr. Ness updated the group on likely outcomes from the current legislative session. It looks hopeful that we will receive some of the hold harmless funds, some of the requested Harvey funds, but HEF funds are expected to decrease due to our space utilization numbers.
- Due to these issues the CID Executive Committee decided to invite Greg Marsh et al. for the first fall meeting to go over IR methods used for calculating enrollment and space utilization, etc.
- The handouts from the above portion of the meeting are attached.

2. Facilitated input for Strategic Plan (Dean Terrebonne, Mike Diamond, Mark Robison) Mark and Mike presented draft strategies in bullets to the group and asked for input from the CID members. These documents have been sent by separate cover to the membership with a request for a quick turnaround for input to the Strategic Planning group.
3. Selections for FY20 Executive Committee and CID President. The tentative 2019/2020 Executive Committee is listed below. Liv remains President. The Executive Committee also suggested inviting Brenda Nichols to a fall meeting to discuss any changes to T&P protocols.
4. Roundtable

Executive Committee 2018/2019
Liv Haselbach Natalie Tindall Jeremy Alm James Slaydon Dan Chilek
Executive Committee 2019/2020
Liv Haselbach M. Diane Clark Jeremy Alm James Slaydon Dan Chilek

Tentative Future CID Meetings and Possible Topics Fall 2019

Wed. August 28, 2019
IR calculations (enrollment, utilization) by Greg Marsh et al.

Wed. September 25, 2019
T&P protocols by Brenda Nichols

Wed. October 23, 2019

Wed. November 20, 2019

Wed. December 11, 2019

Topics for 2019/2020 possibly: Greg Marsh Institutional Research. Evening/Saturday classes. Craig Escamilla on retention updates.
CC to all CID members and President Evans, Provost Marquart and guests in room.