
December 3, 2019

Tuesday, 12/03/2019
Reaud #312
Submitted By:
Carol Lindsey

December 3, 2019
Wayne Reaud Bldg. #312, 2:00 pm


Attendees:  James Marquart, Arne Almquist, Paul Bernazzani, Katrina Brent, Brian Craig, Derina Holtzhausen, Lynn Maurer, Brenda Nichols, Joe Nordgren, and Bob Spina.


I. Approval of Dean’s Council Minutes dated November 19, 2019

 The minutes of the Academic Dean meeting, dated November 19, 2019, were approved as written.


 Approval of Dean’s Council Minutes dated December 3, 2019

 The minutes of the Academic Dean meeting, dated December 3, 2019, were approved as written.  Approval was     given electronically by the Council members.


II. GUEST : Theresa Hefner-Babb

    RE: SACS Report

The SACS Report of the Off-site Committee was received.  Copies of the results showing areas of non-compliance were distributed for review and discussion.  Overall the report was very good, with only 12 out of the 72 standards needing to be addressed.   

Faculty credentials is one of the key factors from the report.  A list was distributed of faculty that are sited in the report as being insufficient in qualifications or not having justification for other qualifications. For each one, transcripts will be pulled.  There must be documentation showing what qualifies them to teach specific courses. These folks must be cleared by SACS or they cannot be reappointed for next year.  ACTION :  Deans are to have this information confirmed and sent in to Dr. Hefner-Babb before the Christmas break.


III. Dean of Graduate Studies

The Council was called in to executive session. Following discussion, executive session closed.   


IV. Cardinal Communities – Katrina Brent

Katrina responded to questions raised at the last Dean’s Council regarding the future of Cardinal Communities.  Katrina addressed the current status and where they hope to go.  The program moved under STARS a while back while running in a deficit. In addition, there was a budget decrease for FY20 and 80-85% of the budget is being used up just for the fall semester.  Because of this, they will only be able to run the living/learning communities for spring 2020.  There are currently 44 Cardinal Communities this fall with some of them going away after fall due to a lack of funds.  The College of Business plans to continue theirs on a volunteer basis.  Katrina will send out a list of the Cardinal Communities that are going away and what the financial obligations are.


V. Adjourn:  2:40pm