
Committees and Councils

Executive Committee

  • Liv Haselbach

    Director Center of Resiliency

    Email: lhaselbach@lamar.edu

    Research Interests:

    • Low impact development,
    • Especially pervious concrete,
    • Flood communication and resiliency,
    • Green engineering and environmental life cycle assessment.
  • Dr. Ginger Gummelt

    Ginger S

    Department: Social Work

    Email: vgummelt@lamar.edu 

    Associate Professor, Director of Social Work ذكذكتسئµ

    Research interests:

    • Children and violence
    • Mental health issues for athletes
    • Vulnerable populations
    • Sexual abuse and sexual assault
    • Women's issues
  • Dr. Clayton Jeffryes

    Clayton S

    Department: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

    Email: cjeffryes@lamar.edu 

    Associate Professor

    Research interests: 

    • Metallic nanoparticles from phototrophic cell culture
    • Innovative bioprocesses
    • Biogeneic nanomaterials
    • Production of pigments and antioxidants
    • Microwave assisted "Green Synthesis" Processes
  • Teressa Robertson

    Department: Center for Resiliency

    Email: teressa.robertson@lamar.edu 

    (409) 880-7236

    Assistant Director - Engagement

  • Dr. Helen Lou

    Tom Kalb

    Department: Center for Midstream Management, Director

    Email: thomas.kalb@lamar.edu


  • Dr. Suzanne Pierce

    University of Texas Austin | Texas Advanced Computing Center | Jackson School of Geosciences

    Email: spierce@gacc.utexas.edu 

    Research Scientist 

    Research interests: 

    • Integrated Water Resources Management
    • Decision Support Systems
    • Sustainability Science
    • Energy-Water
    • Groundwater Management
    • Participatory Modeling
  • Dr. Matt Pyne

    Matthew Pyne

    Department: Biology

    Email: mpyne@lamar.edu 

    Associate Professor

    Research interests: Understanding the relationship between the distribution of aquatic organisms and the structure, climate, and hydrology of freshwater aquatic systems. 

  • Dr. Thinesh Selvaratnam

    Department: Civil and Environmental Engineering

    Email: tselvaratnam@lamar.edu 

    Assistant Professor

    Research interests: Achieving bioremediation of municipal/ industrial wastewaters using an algal-based system

  • Dr. James Slaydon

    Department: Finance

    Email: slaydonjl@lamar.edu

    Professor and Director, New ذكذكتسئµs Initiatives 

    Research interests: 

    • Resiliency after natural disasters
    • Regional economic development
    • Real estate.
  • Dr. Jill E. Killough


    Department: Nutrition, Hospitality & Human Services

    Email: jekillough@lamar.edu

    Department Chair

    Research interests:

    • Community-based participatory research to food disparities and insecurity
    • Quality improvement processes in nutrition and dietetics practice
  • Patrick Stewart

    Patrick Stewart

    Department: IT Operations

    Email: stewarts@lamar.edu 

    Executive Director, IT Operations

  • Dr. Berna Tokgoz

    Berna E

    Department: Industrial and Systems Engineering

    Email: btokgoz@lamar.edu 

    Associate Professor

    Research interests: 

    • Resilience Engineering
    • Risk Analysis
    • Systems Engineering
    • Complex Systems
  • Dr. Brian Williams

    Department: Political Science

    Email: bwilliams9@lamar.edu 

    Assistant Professor and Director, Master of Public Administration | Director, Center for Public Policy Study 

    Research interests: 

    Understanding the knowledge gap between practice and research for Emergency Management; specifically, the implications of social vulnerability to community resilience through social, political, and economic policy.

  • Dr. Marilyn Guidry

    Department: Center for Resiliency

    Email: mguidry11@lamar.edu 

    Assistant Director - Resarch and Data Mangement

    Instructor: Port Safety, Security, and Resiliency Planning

  • Robert R. Dubois

    Department: Center for Advances in Port Management (CAPM)

    Email: rdubois@lamar.edu

    Executive Director

  • Raul Francisco Prezas

    Speech and Hearing Services

    Email: raul.prezas@lamar.edu 

    Associate Professor


External Advisory Council