

We know you've worked so hard to support your student in becoming an LU Cardinal. Parents and families are highly valued members of ذكذكتسئµ University.  You play an important role in assisting your student, from offering help with applications, volunteering your time, financially supporting college programming or simply encouraging them to persevere.

Because parents are an integral part of the admissions process, we want to keep you updated with all the latest LU information. Join our Cardinal Parent and Family Portal to stay up to date with the latest LU news! This is a free resource available to all parents and family members of incoming and current cardinals.

The ذكذكتسئµ University Parents Association is here to enhance communication between the University and families of ذكذكتسئµ students.  If you're a parent or a family member of a LU student, you're already a member!

Learn more about our Parents Association

Support for Parents

Health and Safety

  • Student Health Center
    Free and low-cost medical services
  • University Police
    Certified Texas peace officers patrol campus, enforce local, state and federal laws; and investigate violations. Officers are assigned regular shifts to monitor university housing and adjacent parking lots.
  • Shuttle Service
    In the evenings, a free shuttle service provides transportation for around campus.
  • Security Cameras
    New security cameras and emergency phones placed at strategic locations across campus provide more protection.

Life Outside the Classroom

Academic Support

ذكذكتسئµ University offers several programs to help students achieve their full academic potential whether they need extra help or extra challenges.

Adjusting to College Life

You can help your student make the transition to college life by striking the right balance between providing support and fostering independence.ذكذكتسئµ University Parents

Discuss both financial plans and academic expectations. Encourage your student to make responsible decisions about alcohol and other lifestyle choices.

You can help by recognizing that your student is an adult who still needs a coach but not a rescuer. Listen and offer encouragement while urging your student to take advantage of resources on campus and to solve his or her own problems.

You should be aware that a federal law, the (FERPA), protects the privacy of student educational records and may restrict your access to certain information, including grades.